Activities & Services

Alhamdulillah now that MAP has moved into the new location (check the home page for new address), we will insha-allah be offering the following services, please contact us at  for more details or if you would like to sign up for any of these activities.

Check out weekly announcements for specific details


Prayers (Sala’t)

Friday (Jumma)
Daily Maghrib & Isha Prayer

Taraweeh (in Ramadan) with small lectures

Summer Program

Daily Activities for Children
3-4 Days per Week
Need strong volunteer commitment
For more information email

Weekly Study Circles (Halaqa’s)

Brothers' Qur'an Halaqa every Thursday except in Ramadan
Sisters'  Qur'an Halaqa every other Thursday except in Ramadan


Family Fun Night

This will occur on the second Friday of every month and will consist of the following activities:
Arts/Crafts for Small Children
Educational Fun Games and Lectures

Youth Group

Leadership Skills Track
Preserving Muslim Identity
Morals and Manners
Career Guidance
Sports (Bowling, Miniature Golf) and Outings
Specific details will be announced


Family Retreats (Games, Lectures, Spirituality)
Youth Retreats (Games, Lectures, Spirituality)
Seminars and Workshops (half-days weekend events)

MAP Annual Summer

MAP conducts a Summer Picnic once every year. It is a fun get together for all the members of the community.

MAP Eid Prayer and

MAP conducts Eid prayer and festivities on both Eids which brings all community members together. There are variety of activities for adults and children.


MAP Daily Ramadan Iftar
and Taraveeh

MAP conducts daily iftar during the blessed month of Ramadan for the community. The iftars are usually sponsored by the community members. It is a great time to get together with the community and pray magrib, isha and taraveeh together as well.

MAP Financial Assistance

If you are in need of Financial Assistance such as Sadaqa or Zakat, then please fill out the MAP Financial Assistance Form and email it to

Many other activites will be planned based on the community needs. If you would like to propose another activity for the community that you would like MAP to conduct, then please contact the or with more details.

Also if you are willing to volunteer for any of these activities, then please contact the Please keep checking our website for latest updates on any new activites.